Friday, April 30, 2010

Egg Crates transformed into 2.5D Art


Enno de Kroon (Netherlands) paints human portraits on used egg crates. The output is something halfway between a painting and a mask.


The egg crate's uneven nature brings with it a wonderful "2.5D" effect, as the artist defines it, and allows spectators to select their own point of view, which gives this art form a very personal nature.


Changing the painting's alignment provides various caricatures of the same figure, with all the drama and comedy involved, although de Kroon himself states it had taken him quite a long while before he could actually get his format into proper shape.

I find this inspiring and would very much like to experiment with this format myself.
By the way, We have just completed a new 5000 bottle caps wall carpet and intend to publish it next week on Stay tuned!


EggCubism on the rise. Check out the entire flickr set, which actually reminds me of an amazingly distorted facebook catalogue. Don't you think so? hmm ;)

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