Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome To The EarthShip

EarthShip By Michael Reynolds

Michael Reynolds is an American Architect (BioTect) who has developed a model for the self-sustained home - The EarthShip.

An EarthShip is a house, built of 45% recycled materials, designed with sustainability in mind. It manufactures its' own electricity from sun and wind, collects rain and snow water and uses it for all purposes, including gardening. Such a house provides protection from heat and cold and keeps your CO2 footprint low.

Some key points from EarthShip's Facebook page. Earthships:

• Heat and cool themselves naturally via solar/thermal dynamics
• Collect their own power from the sun and wind
• Harvest their own water from rain and snow melt
• Contain and treat their own sewage on site
• Produce a significant amount of food
• Are constructed using the byproducts of modern society like cans,
bottles and tires.

EarthShip greenhouse

It's possible to purchase full house prints for a mere 30$, get all the info you need from books and seminars provided by Reynold's EarthShip HQ about building your own or even get the team to build one for you in 30 days.

It's not just a house - it's an eco-conscience movement in the making.

EarthShip greenhouse #2

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